We are the go-to Employer of Record for the Netherlands. We are uniquely Dutch in our geographic focus & expertise and uniquely international in our client focus and service offering.
We are large enough to offer a full range of services and small enough so you and your employees have direct access to specialists who are familiar with their specific situations. Our office offers you fast HR service (onboarding of a new employee within 48 hours) and various payroll options.
Due to our experience with Dutch tax and regulations, we are able to provide a total cost calculation beforehand, rolled up in a single monthly figure per employee. This will include all applicable costs so you can confidently budget payroll.
Below is an overview of the services that we offer:
Payroll administration and reporting
The Dutch Employer of Record will properly administer payroll and will report costs back to your organisation.
Certified payroll compliance
The Dutch Employer of Record is NEN4400 certified. This means that our compliance with Dutch regulations is certified. This indemnifies your organisation from any exposure to tax arrears in the Netherlands.
Employee Self Service portal
Employees will have access to review and update their own details. Their wage and tax information is also stored online for them.
Employment contracts and requirements
The Dutch Employer of record will present all available contract options and will summarize all requirements for contracting your team. You will have all the relevant information to take good decisions.
Probation period
Dutch law places limits on the maximum duration of probation periods. The Dutch employer of Record offers two months probation for indefinite term contracts and one month for contracts that last over six months.
Contracts up to six months cannot have a probation period.
The Dutch Employer of Record will work with you to apply for the proper probation period and notify you of periods due to end soon.
Employer insurances
The Dutch Employer of record has adequate insurances for all employees that provide coverage for accidents and liability.
Full management of Sickness and absenteeism
The Dutch employer of record will help manage sick employees. Dutch law requires all employers to provide guidance and support to sick employees, and the consequences of not complying with these rules can be severe. The Dutch employer of record will safeguard compliance with all regulations.
If any employee displays (signs of) absenteeism, we will coordinate to take action.
Sick leave
Employers are obliged to provide paid sick leave for the first two years of an employee’s illness. The Dutch Employer of Record will help administer payments during the relevant period.
During the first 52 weeks of illness, the employer must pay 70% of the employee’s salary and cannot pay less than the minimum wage. For the second 52 weeks, the minimum-wage lower limit is no longer applicable. If a CLA is applicable, then the minimum percentage of paid sick leave may strongly differ from the Dutch civil code.
Maternity leave
Female employees are entitled to at least 16 weeks of maternity leave with maternity benefits paid for by the Employer. At least four of these weeks should be taken before giving birth and at least 10 weeks should be taken afterward.
The Dutch employer of Record will pay these benefits, will apply for a subsidy with the UWV, and will reimburse you with the amount subsidized.
Partner (Paternity) & Parental leave
If the partner of an employee gives birth, the employee is entitled to 1 week of partner/paternity leave following the birth. This paid leave can be taken any time in the first 4 weeks after the birth of the child. During this period of leave, you must continue to pay 100% of the employee’s salary.
Extended partner leave: Partners are entitled to 5 weeks of unpaid leave in the first 6 months after the birth. Employees who take unpaid leave will be able to claim benefits from the Employment Insurance Agency (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, UWV) for up to 70% of their salary.
Parental leave: Employees with children aged up to 8 can take unpaid parental leave in the Netherlands. They are eligible as soon as they start working for you. You must allow this leave. During parental leave, you are not legally required to pay their salary unless this is agreed upon in the collective labour agreement (CAO) or employment contract.
The Dutch employer of Record will pay these benefits, will apply for a subsidy with the UWV, and will reimburse you with the amount subsidized.
Annual leave and holiday requirements
Employees are eligible for a minimum of 4 weeks of fully paid holiday each year. These rights accrue over the course of a year. In addition, they are entitled to an (8% minimum) holiday allowance. The holiday allowance is payable at least once a year (usually in May).
The Dutch Employer of Record has rolled up all these costs in our Total Cost of Employment and will pay out the accruals when they are due. You will not be surprised by extra costs upon such payments.
Employer taxes are all rolled up in our Total Cost of Employment and we assume the legal responsibility for proper payment of these taxes.
Employee taxes are all paid on behalf of the employees. They will get an overview of these payments monthly, and at the end of each fiscal year. We offer assistance in submitting taxes and applying for refunds.
Labour Laws/Employment regulations
It is up to us to maintain compliance. You will not have to think about it.
HR & Payroll procedures
We have performed EoR services for over 10 years. We have streamlined all our processes and procedures. We are able to offer a seamless experience for both you and your team.
Depending on the nature of the jobs performed by your team, CLA’s may apply in the Netherlands. If so, we will summarize the impact and ensure compliance. If there are additional employment costs (e.g. shift bonuses), we will specify them in the Total Cost of Employment.
Erkend Referent (IND 30% ruling)
The Dutch Employer of Record is ‘Erkend Referent’. This is a special status with the IND which allows us to help expedite immigration and apply for a tax benefit (30% ruling) for your employees.
NEN4400 quality mark
The NEN4400 audits are developed to test for compliance with Dutch regulation and quality of internal procedures. the Dutch Employer of Record carries this mark since 2009, and has not missed an audit since.
As such, you are indemnified from any exposure to claims by the Dutch Tax office (under certain circumstances, the Dutch tax office can have a claim on the clients of a generic EoR/PEO in the Netherlands).
Health & Safety requirements
Employers in the Netherlands must ensure a healthy and safe workplace for all personnel, including temporary personnel. A healthy and safe workplace includes:
- a proper workplace and safety equipment;
- the prevention of physical and psychological stress;
- prevention from contact with dangerous substances, radiation, and contagion.
These requirements are codified in a multitude of laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of the actual employer (you) to adhere to them all. The Dutch Employer of Record will offer a checklist that is designed to cover all bases and adds this to the contract of the employee. With this, you are covered procedurally (of course, you must still provide a safe work environment).
Occupation Health & Safety Service
All employers in the Netherlands must have a health and safety expert in place to deal with:
- illness of an employee (reducing absenteeism);
- medical examinations for new employees;
- voluntary periodic occupational health examinations (PAGO) or periodical medical examinations (PMO).
It is up to the employer to organize health and safety support for their employees. Whichever option is chosen, the health and safety officer or agency must have the proper qualifications. The same applies to health and safety officers in tailormade schemes. The certification of the health and safety expert must be carried out by a certified organisation or certificerende instellingen (CI’s).
The Dutch Employer of Record has all of this in place for you.
Worker’s compensation / Employer’s Liability Insurance
The liability of an employer is laid down in article 7:658 of the Dutch Civil Code. According to these provisions, the employer has a special duty of care in having work carried out on his behalf. The employer is liable for any damages suffered by an employee during the exercise of his task.
Where the employer can demonstrate he has fulfilled his duty of care or that the damages suffered by the employee are the consequence of gross or deliberate negligence on the part of the employee, the employer is not liable. In the event of legal proceedings, it is up to the employer to demonstrate that he took all measures and issued all instructions that were reasonably necessary to prevent the damage from arising.
An Employer’s Liability Insurance and Accident insurance with an insurance company is required by law.
The Dutch Employer of Record has these insurances in place for you.
Our Employee Services:
Mandatory Benefits
Health insurance
Mobility (travel)
Bespoke benefits
Mandatory Benefits
There may be different benefits mandated by Dutch law or CLA’s. The Dutch Employer of Record will identify any applicable obligations and apply them to your situation. We will ensure compliance.
This may of course affect your TCE.
Health insurance
Health Insurance is obligated for all people who live or work in the Netherlands.
The Dutch health insurance system is a combination of obligated public law and private health plans with social conditions built on the principles of solidarity, efficiency, and value for the patient.
All employees are automatically enrolled in the mandatory basic health insurance. They are also offered a premium additional package at a discounted rate.
The Dutch Employer of Record has one of the most modern pensions in the Netherlands. If your employees are eligible for pension under direct employment, they automatically qualify through the Dutch Employer of Record as well.
Mobility (travel)
Apart from reimbursing travel expenses at cost (without markup), the Dutch Employer of Record offers a BusinessCard for Dutch public Transportation.
This gives access to trains, busses, metro and bikes in some cities. Please get in touch to learn the possibilities.
Any expenditures such as lunch and travel are reimbursed to the employees and invoiced at cost (without markup).
You are free to agree on lunch arrangements, and the Dutch Employer of Record will check if your arrangements are in compliance with Dutch tax rules.
As all processes and documents are fully digitized with the Dutch Employer of Record, employees are free to work anywhere in the Netherlands.
Bespoke benefits
Your company may offer bespoke benefits to its valued employees. The Dutch Employer of Record will work with you to either provide the same benefits to your Dutch team, to find an equivalent, or to assign a monetary value and provide that to your Dutch team.
Social securities
All employees are automatically covered under all applicable Dutch social securities.